Ass. Vladimir Stojanovski, MSc



He was born in 1979 in Skopje. In 2006 he graduated on the Faculty of Forestry in Skopje, University „Ss’ Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje, on forestry department. In 2009 at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry Belgrade, he defended the master’s thesis entitled: Analysis of current and possible source of financing protected areas: Case study National Park „Mavrovo” and obtained a master’s degree in Forest policy and economics. Currently is enrolled on PhD at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Sciences, BOKU in Vienna, Austria.

After graduation he worked in several companies as a forestry engineer in the field of hunting and forest utilization. In same time, as a professional associate, he participated in several scientific-research projects managed by the “Hans Em” Faculty, NGOs in the field of forestry, ecology and rural development as well as international projects managed by the University of Natural Resources and Applied Sciences BOKU, Vienna.  His main focus of interests is Forest policy and economics as well as new trends related to forest enterprise management (public enterprises, SMEs in the field of forestry, ecology and rural development).

Since May 2020, he is employed at the Department of Organization and Economics in Forestry, as teaching and research assistant on the courses “Enterprise Management” and “Enterprise Economics”. He is responsible for conducting exercises on the courses “Marketing”, “Forest-Environmental Policy”, “Ergonomics”, “Recreational-touristic aspects of forests and green areas” and “Management of protected areas”.

His field of scientific- research interest are the processes of creating, adopting and implementing policies in the field of forestry, EU legislation, forest innovation system, enterprise management, entrepreneurship, forest governance and forestry economics supplemented by new trends such as circular and bio-economics.