Prof. Dr.sc Vladimir Maletić
Full Professor
Prof. Dr.sc Vladimir Maletić graduated at the Faculty of Forestry in 1983. He obtained his MSc degree in Forestry sciences in 1989 at the Faculty of Forestry in Skopje, defending his thesis: “Development and losses in phaesant chicks in the first 20 days of adaptation.” In 1995 he was awarded PhD degree in Forestry sciences at the Faculty of Forestry in Skopje, and his doctoral thesis was entitled: “Some bioecological and morphometric features of Grey partridge (Perdix perdix L.) in the territory of Macedonia”.
He was a teaching assistant of Game hunting from 1986. In 1989 he was promoted to assistant and after his PhD graduation in 1996 he was awarded the title of assistant professor. In 2001 he was awarded the title of associate professor, and in 2006 he became full professor.
Today, he is full professor, responsible for the following subjects: “Zoology and systematics of game”; “Game hunting economy”; “Applied zooecology”; “Breeding and protection of wild fauna” (undergraduate studies) and “Bioecology, breeding and protection of game”; “Hunting management”; “Hunting kinology, ethics, traditions and customs” (on the postgraduate level of studies).