Prof. Dr.sc Ivan Blinkov
Full Professor
Prof. Dr.sc Ivan Blinkov graduated at the Faculty of Forestry in Skopje in 1986. He obtained his MSc degree in Forestry sciences in 1995 at the Faculty of Forestry in Skopje, for his thesis: “Erosion Control of torrent series „Smrdesnik””. In 1998 he was awarded PhD degree in Forestry sciences at the Faculty of Forestry in Skopje defeding his thesis: “Impact of rainfall on erosion intensity in the river basin of Bregalnica to Profile Dam Kalimanci”.
In 1987 he was employed as teaching assistant of “Erosion and torrents control”. After obtaining his MSc degree in 1995 he was promoted to assistant, and after his defending his PhD thesis in 1998 he was awarded the title of assistant professor. In 2003 he became associate professor and has been full professor since 2008.
Today he is full professor, lecturing the following subjects: “Geodesy with technical drawing”; “Basics of soil and water conservation”; “Erosion control”; “Land, water and risks management” (undergraduate studies) and “Land management planning”; “Land degradation, desertification and erosion control”; “Management of water and risks from natural hazards”, “Torrent hydrology and hydraulics” (on the postgraduate level of studies).