Prof. Dr.sc Pande Trajkov
Full Professor
Prof. Dr.sc Pande Trajkov graduated at the Faculty of Forestry in Skopje in 1988. He obtained his MSc degree in Forestry sciences in 1992 at the Faculty of Forestry in Skopje, after defending his title: “The impact of the crown on the growth rate in Sessile oak plantations in Ograzden”. In 1997 he was awarded PhD degree in Forestry sciences at the Faculty of Forestry in Skopje, for his thesis: “Dependence of productivity on the structure of mixed Beech-Black Pine stands in the Eastern forest region in the Republic of Macedonia”.
He was employed as teaching assistant of “Forest management” in 1988. After obtaining MSc degree in 1992 he was elected as assistant, and after his PhD graduation in 1998 he was awarded the title of assistant professor. In 2002 he was awarded the title of associate professor and in 2007 he became full professor. In the years 2001 – 2004 he held the function of Vice Dean at the Faculty of Forestry in Skopje. He is at the same function for the second time since early 2017.
Today he is full professor responsible for the following subjects: “Forest management”; “Dendrometry”; “Multifunctional forest management” and “Forest growth and yield” (undergraduate studies) and “Forest stand productivity”; “Forest inventory” and “Forest management 2” (on the postgraduate level of studies).